Nutrology Overview

Nutrology clinic delivers assessment and guidance related to food, either to improve diseases that relate to nutrition and food intake or if it is to control weight or to have a better understanding of food.

This is the right place to find out about possible allergies and intolerances and set up a plan to overcome those problems.

One’s deficiencies and most updated blood tests are relevant to the decision of an eating plan, recipes, and, possible supplementation. The nutrition benefits and the science of food tailored to the individual, are the main focus in the clinic. After a consultation, the patient receives a report with the eating advice, food selection, and combinations.

Recipes can further help the patient, accounting for possible intolerances and/or allergies. We developed recipes tailored to patients’ nutrition needs, economics, time, and ability because happy food makes happy people!


It is the therapist job to design a food intake plan that better suits your needs. Your food should be your medicine.

Vitamin C

Immune system booster

Vitamin Complex B

Energy, metabolism and weight loss booster

Vitamin D (D3)

Immune system booster

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