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Dr. A. Vance

Andrew Vance MB, BCh, BAO trained in medicine in University College Dublin.

He currently works as a General Practitioner in Manchester with specialist interest in Diabetes and Minor Operation procedures.

He trained in cosmetic procedures in Harley Street and has been working in this field for the past 6 years.

The treatments he provides include line and wrinkle reduction by using muscle relaxing injections which relax the muscle and reduce the presence and appearance of lines around the forehead and crows feet areas. This treatment is also being used to help reduce chronic headaches.

He also provides line and wrinkle fillers. These are used to provide fullness to the lips and to restore shape and definition to the lip. This is especially beneficial for smokers where the presence of smokers’ lines is more common in the upper lip area but will help anyone with loss of lip shape and definition.

Fillers such as Teosyl and Restylane can also be used to redefine and reduce the nasolabial fold and to reduce the appearance of fine lines on the face.

Mesotherapy is a treatment for the backs of hands to reduce the appearance of thinning of skin where filler is injected under the skin to plump it up again. Facial skin peels help to clear dry dull skin and freshen its appearance. It is particularly useful for heavy oily skin and is also used to help reduce acne.

Thread vein treatment for legs is also available.

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